Gain Confidence That Your Data Is Secure

The finance industry is a prime target for attacks by cybercriminals. No matter if its account data or trading and investor information, financial firms hold a wealth of information that can be quickly turned into monetary gain. A breach can cost a company a lot more than financial assets, business disruption or compromised confidential information. The reputational damage can negatively affect the long term viability of the company. Regulatory oversight, customer scrutiny and intensive executive focus ensure today’s financial institutions must go beyond basic compliance.

We offer a complete portfolio of services to help identify threats and risks, define strategy, deploy the right technologies, develop capabilities and ensure operational readiness to enable business through security. We have the ability to address your needs at a strategic program level, at the operational project level and at all levels in between.

Adversaries are getting more strategic and sophisticated in launching targeted attacks against your organisation.

Discovered A Breach By Accident
Lack Resources To Attain Compliance
Do Not Measure Risk Activities


Assess | Advise | Enhance


Engineer | Integrate | Operate


Respond | Hunt | Recover


People | Skills | Resources

Build Your Security Insight and Intelligence
Build Your Security Strategy, Governance, Risk and Compliance Competencies
Demonstrate Risk With Bespoke Security Testing Engagements That Qualify Threat
Prevent Disclosure or Compromise of Sensitive Information
Evolve and Transform Your Security Operations
Deliver Better Security Context with Data Instrumentation & Continuous Visibility
Focus Your Team on Your Core Business With Our Managed Services
Enhance Detection Capabilities with Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning
Respond, Hunt and Recover From A Breach
Improve Readiness and Response Time in the Event of a Security Breach
Securing the Scene, Defining the Scope of Compromise, Purge the Threat
Gather Information and Evidence to Pursue Legal Action
Extend Your Capabilities By Leveraging Ours
Strategic to Tactical Experience and Expertise To Assist Your Organisation
Build Technical and Security Intelligence Throughout Your Organisation
We Teach Your Security Operations Team To Think Like a Hacker
Built on Expertise
Business Driven Context & Insight
Engineered and Scalable Adaptive Security
Accelerated Breach Response & Recovery
Proprietary Toolsets & Methodologies
Research-Driven Intelligence
Deep Technical & Project Delivery Capability

Our Threat Defence Platform Provides A Comprehensive Portfolio Of Cybersecurity Solutions

We help organisations review and evaluate their existing security programs, provide guidance and best practice on the development of their security strategy and to understand the threats to your critical assets, determining the level of risk these assets are exposed to and recommending the appropriate level of protection. Organisations need to have fully functional security and risk management programs that are aligned with business goals in order to respond appropriately to the changing security landscape. Our focus is to help you identify the costs, benefits, risks and opportunities associated with deploying new strategies, programs and services. Our solutions include:

Strategy – A set of strategic services that give you the knowledge and insight to build competencies that drive your business.

Governance – Assess the maturity of your programs against best practices and identify ways you can strengthen them.

Risk and Threat – Understanding your organisation’s risk and threat exposure and get expert advise on how to address it.

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Our Controls and Compliance portfolio is designed to go beyond helping organisations check a compliance box or follow a standard approach to framework alignment. Our consultants assess and guide remediation of compliance gaps and assure that your organisation is focusing on relevance of controls, time and budget on areas that add the most value or reduce risk. Our consultants assess and guide remediation of compliance gaps and assure that your organisation is focusing on relevance of controls, time and budget on areas that add the most value or reduce risk. Consequently, your organisation not only meets regulations, but exceeds them, thereby simplifying management and control processes to minimise deviations and redundancies. Our solutions include:

ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance Services – Help companies achieve the internationally recognised certifiable standard in information security management

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New privacy laws and incidents of privacy violations, identity theft and personal information mismanagement have increased regulatory and consumer pressure to prevent disclosure or compromise of personally identifiable and sensitive information. The business impacts of failure – on both long-term relationships and value – have elevated the issues of privacy, security and information risk management to the board and senior executive level at many companies. Addressing privacy issues on a global, basis and in a consistent and cost-effective manner is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge in today’s global economy.

We analyses the risks related to existing and potential data processing operations and develops custom-made privacy and data protection solutions for an entire organisation and its products and services. We assist your organisation with the development of a privacy and data protection program for a product line, branch or an entire organisation. This includes, for example, the mapping of data processes and data locations and the classification of data. It also includes data security, access control and data retention as well as staff privacy training, privacy risk assessments and the creation of data transfer rules. Our solutions include

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Services – We help you identify gaps in your information security measures necessary for GDPR compliance and to get your security operations and processes ready for the GDPR, our consultants and GDPR practitioners can help you across five GDPR-specific streams of work.

  • GDPR Maturity Assessment
  • GDPR Program Development
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Program Assurance
  • Virtual Data Protection Officer

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We deliver bespoke Security Testing engagements that deliver measurable improvements to security. Today’s organisations face a myriad of cyber threats and must also demonstrate compliance for market specific and general standards. We work with clients to help them move beyond traditional security vulnerabilities and recommendations. We deliver intelligence-led Attack Simulations that assess the capacity of those responding to varying threats. Services include

Vulnerability Discovery – Identify, quantify and rank vulnerabilities in your system. Using tools, we find weaknesses, evaluate the severity and recommend mitigation.

Attack and Penetration Testing – We deliver bespoke threat and security testing engagements that deliver measurable improvements to security.

Red Team Attack Simulation – Mimic the tactics, techniques and procedures of threat actors to measure the capacity to protect, detect and respond.

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A security breach is going to happen; its not a matter of if, but when. Our Incident Response and Recover services enhance your organisations capability to develop an effective response and recovery program. We have broad experience in threat intelligence, threat detection, investigation and response. We work to minimise the duration and impact of a breach. In time of emergency its all about speed and accuracy in execution. Our Incident Recovery Services give you access to the experience and technical expertise to accelerate incident detection and recovery. Our team can work with your in-house team on analysis and detection through containment, remediation and cleanup.

Incident Response – Improve readiness and response time in the event of a security breach

Incident Recovery – Elite Emergency Response Services to help you identify scope of a breach, purge the threat behind it and minimise its cost to your organisation.

Forensics – We help you gather information and evidence to pursue legal action after a breach. Get to the bottom of how your systems were penetrated and what was compromised.

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Implementing complex security solutions necessary to protect and defend a business against the constantly evolving security threats is increasingly difficult. Its not enough to consider the architecture from purely an information technology perspective. This will result in missing core structural security elements needed to support the evolving technology infrastructure, emerging regulations and ever increasing threats.

We offer deep and diverse skills, significant expertise in testing and deploying nearly any technology and an ability to select the right solution for your environment. We believe in leveraging both existing and emerging security technologies to build an adaptive security architecture. We start with prevention fundamentals and then move towards enhancing your visibility, detection and response capabilities. We implement architectures which:

  • Resist & Prevent – Harden and isolate systems to reduce attack surface; deploy isolation techniques like interface obfuscating; integrated threat intelligence.
  • Detect & Contain – Detect incidents quickly; confirm and prioritise risk by correlating indicators of compromise; contain incidents using threat isolation platforms
  • Respond & Adapt – Use forensics to scope breach; generate new preventative measures to avoid future incidents; remediate by using security orchestration
  • Enrich & Evolve – Proactively assess exposure to threats; attacks become predicted; continuous enhancement of prevention and detection capabilities
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Challenged with fighting new threat adversaries or looking to meet compliance and security initiatives while meeting budget demands. We understand that all businesses are different, and that’s why our Managed Security Services are designed with flexibility in mind. Our expert team have the skills to assess alerts, remediate problems and update security device policies swiftly to defend your business, all backed up by industry-leading SLAs. Whether we’re supporting managed services or single devices, you can rely on us to deliver the right people, process and technologies to ensure outstanding performance. Let us take care of time-consuming security management, so your Operations team is free to focus on new projects and deliver business benefits. Our solutions include:

Platform Managed Services – Providing efficient and trustworthy security platform management. Our management services help you elevate the capabilities of your security environment.

Security Defence – We help you proactively and continuously validate the security posture of your organisation. Gain usable intelligence about your environment so that you can address weaknesses in your security

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All organisations face the unique challenge of aligning security and business objectives. Our retainer services allows your business to partner with an experienced team of cybersecurity professionals.  Our solutions include:

Incident Recovery Retainer – Guarantee fast response and availability of our Incident Recovery and Investigation team to contain, mitigate and help you recover from a security breach.

CISO as a Service – Bridge the gap between the inability to pay the cost to hire a Chief Security Officer and the importance of having one.

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We provide training services that address both the technical and human elements of your organisation to ensure you’re operating in a secure environment. Our education and training courses are distinct and designed to maximise employee security awareness, behaviour and culture. Our programs are tailored to your risk exposure profile and your specific security needs. Our training programs are built by security consultants with decades of experience in information security, our knowledge set us apart. Our solutions include:

Security Awareness Training – Hackers execute attack strategies that exploit human vulnerabilities. Focus on improving the human factor with security awareness training.

Security Defender Training – We show you how to defend against cyber attacks of all levels of sophistication, up to and including APTs.

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